Have you seen any lines on your nails recently? Although usually not a cause for concern, these marks can sometimes indicate hidden health problems or lack of nutrients. Here is more information about what creates lines on nails and when it might be a good idea to see a doctor.
1. Getting Older
As you get older, you might start to see more vertical lines on your nails. These lines run from the bottom to the tip of the nail, and they are usually nothing to worry about.
2. Lack of necessary nutrients.
Lacking certain nutrients can lead to changes in the health of your nails, such as vertical lines appearing on them. To keep your nails healthy, it’s important to get the right nutrients, including:
Protein: Your nails are mainly made of a protein called keratin. If you don’t get enough protein, it can be tough for your body to produce strong and healthy nails.
Not having enough B12 can make your nails change color and texture.
Low levels of iron can cause vertical lines on nails and sometimes nails that look like spoons.
3. Dehydration is when your body loses too much water.

Not drinking enough water can affect your entire body, even your nails. When you don’t stay hydrated, your nails might get weak and develop lines. So, it’s really important to drink plenty of water to keep your nails and skin looking good.
4. Injury to a fingernail.
Injuries such as smashing your nails or always picking at them can cause lines to appear. These kinds of injuries can damage the skin beneath the nail and change the way the nail grows.
5. Skin Conditions
Certain skin issues, such as psoriasis or eczema, can cause changes in your nails, like having ridges, particularly around the cuticles or the skin close to the nail.
6. Heart and blood vessel illnesses.
Poor blood flow can limit the blood that gets to your nails, affecting their growth and appearance. Health conditions such as peripheral arterial disease or other heart issues can cause changes in your nails.
Final thoughts
Nail ridges that go up and down are usually just a normal sign of aging. However, if you notice other changes in your nails, like different colors, thickness, or if you have other symptoms along with the ridges, it’s smart to visit a doctor. To keep your nails healthy and looking nice, make sure to eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of water, and avoid injuring them. Remember, your nails can reflect your overall health, so taking care of them is really important.